This is an outline of the steps to create a NEW article.
Note that existing articles can be edited by clicking the edit button that is present at the top of an article..
Add New Article.
1) Select Add Article from the Editor Tools Menu.
2) Provide a title
3) From the Publishing tab:
a) Select the Category from the drop down list. This determines where the article appears on the webspage.
WincNews is used for front page news. Using other Categories may have unexpected results so best avoided!
Note that it is advisable to assign the category as Uncategorised Articles will not show up on the web page. There is however a list of Uncategorised Articles on the Edit Tools menu to aid recovery.
b) Publishing dates - if left blank the article will appear immediately and be shown for ever. News Articles should have a Finish Publishing date to avoid the need to manually unpublish.
All other fields in this tab can be left as they are. However you may chose to change the Status to Unpublished whilst you are editing.
4) Create content and Save
Once the article has been created it may be edited via the edit button.
Article locking
Note that you must either Save or Cancel - simply leaving or closing the page will cause the article to be locked (Checked out) for other editors.